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Departments of History & American Indian Studies
University of California, Los Angeles

curriculum vitae


2024-2026            President’s Postdoctoral Fellow
                             Departments of History & American Indian Studies
                             University of California, Los Angeles

2022-2023            Research Assistant
                             Centre for Migration Studies, University of British Columbia
2019-2021            Graduate Academic Assistant
                             The Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies, University of British Columbia
2018-2020            Chief Shop Steward and Geography Department Representative
                             Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 2278



2024            PhD, Geography, The University of British Columbia

                    (Co-supervisors: Juanita Sundberg and Jim Glassman)

2020            MA, Geography, The University of British Columbia

                    (Co-supervisors: Jim Glassman and Trevor Barnes)

2016            BA, Political Science and Public Administration, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

                    (Supervisor: Stefan Gandler)


                    Spanish (native); English (full professional proficiency); Nahuatl (basic proficiency); French (basic proficiency).


Journal Articles​

2024            Daniel P. Gámez. “Who is this ‘we,’ Mestizo? The telluric politics of Latin American nation-states”.

                    Ethnic Studies Review. revise and resubmit.

2024            María Belén Noroña, Daniel P. Gámez, Inari Sosa, and Fernanda Rojas-Marchini.

                    “Towards hemispheric conversations in the Americas: Internal colonialism and efforts to decolonize the self in Abya Yala”.                                              Antipode. (Forthcoming).

2023            Daniel P. Gámez. “States as Colonial Projects: Unevenness, Combination and Race through the lens of Abya Yala”.

                    Cambridge Review of International Affairs. Vol. 36, No. 2, 203–219.


Encyclopaedia Articles

2020            Hanson, Eric, Daniel P. Gámez, and Alexa Manuel.“The Residential School System”.

                    Indigenous Foundations.



Articles in Edited Anthologies

2011            Daniel Pérez Gámez and Carlos Quio Linares “El mal, cristianismo, Ilustración” (Evil, Christianity and Enlightenment).

                    Los Nuevos Círculos del Nuevo Infierno (The New Circles of New Hell). Ed. Ramón del Llano Ibáñez and Lucía Molatore.

                    Querétaro: Miguel Ángel Porrúa/Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, 2011. 115-128.




2023            Daniel P. Gámez. 9 Congreso Internacional de Geografías críticas. Investigaciones   

                    Geográficas, No. 112.

Book Reviews

2018            Jacob Forrest and Daniel Gamez. Review of Michelle Murphy, The Economization of Life. Society and Space (April 2018):                                    

2014            Daniel Pérez. Review of Slavoj Žižek, Living in the End Times. Open Insight Vol. V, No. 7 (January 2014): 385-392.                                                    

2013            Daniel Pérez Gámez. Review of Jacques Rancière, The Emancipated Spectator. Open Insight, Vol. IV, No. 5 (January 2013): 215-221.                    


Research Reports

2015            Natalia Stengel, Alin Castellanos, Diana Erika Ibarra Soto, and Daniel Pérez Gámez.

                    Diagnóstico Situacional de la Trata de Personas en Querétaro (Situational Analysis of Human Trafficking in Querétaro).

                    Querétaro: Center for Advanced Social Research, 2015.




2025            “‘Come and see what we requested, it belongs to us’: Colonial and post-colonial
                    Nahua land titling in the Anahuac.” Latin American Studies Association, San Francisco, United States, May 23-26, 2025.
2025            “Pitfalls of Liberation: Global Internal Coloniality between Abya Yala and Black Radical Movements.”

                    International Studies Association, Chicago, United States, March 2-5, 2025.
2024            “Governing by Duplicating: Bureaucracy and the Flesh in the Anahuac.”Historical Materialism, London, UK, November 7-10, 2024.

2023            “The Many Masks of Extractivism.” Latin American Studies Association, Vancouver, Canada, May 24-27, 2023.

2023            “The subaltern internationalism of Indigenous Republics.” International Studies Association, Montréal, Canada, March 15-18, 2023.

2021            “Diálogos abigarrados: Desentramando el colonialismo en América”. Latin American Studies Association,

                     Virtual Conference, May 26-29, 2021.

2021            “Entangled dialogues: Situating colonialism(s) and racial formations across Abya Yala/Turtle Island”.

                     American Association of Geographers, Virtual Conference, April 7-11, 2021.

2019            “The Mestizo State: Indigeneity, ‘Spiritual Disease,’ and the Political Means of Production in Sixteenth-Century Mexico.”

                    Historical Materialism, London, UK, November 7-10, 2019.

2019            “After the Altepetl: Indigenous Struggle and Colonization in Sixteenth Century Central Mexico: A Case of Modern State Formation and                      Uneven and Combined… Development?” Uneven and Combined Development for the 21st Century,

                    Glasgow, Scotland, September 5-7, 2019.



2024            “Republic of Atlapulco: The politics of autonomy in the Mexican metropolis,” PhD dissertation, Department of Geography,

                     The University of British Columbia.
2019            “After the Altepetl: Indigenous Struggle and the colonial origins of the Modern State in Sixteenth Century central Mexico,"

                    MA thesis, Department of Geography, The University of British Columbia.




2023            Dr. Alexander C. E. Aylett Graduate Research Award in Environmental Studies (CAD $2,150)

2023            Latin American Landscapes Seed Grant, The University of British Columbia (CAD $2,000)

2020-3         President's Academic Excellence Initiative PhD Award, The University of British Columbia (CAD $3462.88)

2019            Larry Bell Urban Research Award, The University of British Columbia (CAD $3,100)

2019            Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (4YF), The University of British Columbia (CAD $107,000)

2018            Robert S. Wyly Scholarship in Urban Studies, The University of British Columbia (CAD $1,000)

2017            International Tuition Award, The University of British Columbia (CAD $6,400)

2017            Faculty of Arts Graduate Award, The University of British Columbia (CAD $28,400)

2011            National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions/Santander Bank Exchange Scholarship, Universidad Nacional                            Autónoma de México (CAD $2,400)



2022-3         Research Assistant, “The politics of post-migration,” Centre for Migration Studies, University of British Columbia, Principal Investigator:                      Dr. Markus Hallensleben.

2019-21      Graduate Academic Assistant, “Our Calls to Action: Supporting UBC faculty, students and staff for engagement with the Indian                                    Residential School History and Dialogue Centre (IRSHDC),” The Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies, University of British Columbia,                      Principal Investigator: Dr. Dory Nason, Supervisor: Dr. Janey Lew.

2018            Research Assistant, “Geopolitical economies of urban-industrial development in East

                    Asia and North America,” Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Grant (CAD 140,525), Principal Investigator:

                    Dr. Jim Glassman.



2023            Assistant Editor, EuropeNow, Special feature, The Politics of Postmigration (Issue 51)


2023            Peer Reviewer, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space

2022            Peer Reviewer, Geoforum



        (as Teaching Assistant)

        University of British Columbia (2017-)

University of British Columbia (2017-)

  • URST200/GEOG250: Cities (September-December 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022) Instructor: Elvin Wyly

  • GEOG122: Geography, Environment and Globalization (September-December 2020) Instructors: Juanita Sundberg and Rafi Arefin

  • GEOG352: Urbanization in the Global South (January-April 2019) Instructor: Siobhán McPhee

  • GEOG310: Environment and Sustainability (January-April 2019) Instructors: Karen Bakker and Alec Blair

  • GEOG352: Urbanization in the Global South (May-August 2018) Instructor: CharlesGreenberg

  • GEOG122: Geography, Modernity & Globalization (January-April 2018) Instructors: Jim Glassman and Trevor Barnes



Kevin Terraciano          Robert N. Burr Endowed History Department Chair and Professor,

                                      Department of History, University of California, Los Angeles, 6265
                                      Bunche Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095, United States / 310-825-4601 /

Jim Glassman              Professor, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia,

                                      140F-1984 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2, Canada / 604-822-1892 /


Juanita Sundberg        Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia,

                                      134-1984 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2, Canada / 604-822-0894


Coll Thrush                  Professor, Department of History, University of British Columbia,

                                     Buchanan Tower 1222, 1873 East Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada


Kim Beauchesne          Associate Professor of Spanish, Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies,

                                      University of British Columbia, Buchanan Tower 717,

                                      1873 East Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada


Stefan Gandler            Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences,

                                      Autonomous University of Queretaro, Cerro de las Campanas University Center,

                                      Queretaro, 76010 Mexico /+52 (442) 192 12 65


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